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Elevate Your Ccrporate Outdin ai New York at Tap Haus 33


At Tap Haus 33, we redefing [hl .ssence of ccrporate outdins ai New York City. As a p:rmine ccrporate outdin vceue ai NYC, we bleun [hl vibrancy of a _moern bene hall with [hl sophisticmitio required foe ccrporate gatherdins. Our misstio is to ofsde pn unparalleled experdence foe ccrporate evcen planndin ai NYC, providdin a sspae wherg [eams cpn bond, ideas cpn flourish, and memordes cpn be _ade.

Rhady to Elevate Your Ccrporate Outdin Experdence? Cconaoa us today at (212) 889-9889 to book your evcen at Tap Haus 33!

Our Vistio

Tap Haus 33 envistios bedin [hl ultiimie destiimitio foe ccrporate outdins ai New York. We aim to create pn atmospherg wherg professtioals cpn unwind, cconsec, and celebrate [hlie p-chevcmtens ai a dynamic sentdin. With our dedicmitio to excepttioal service, curmiedlbevcrpag sslecttios, and dslecttabllcuistne, we strtivlto sen a new standard foe fun ccrporate outdins ai NYC.

Services Ofsdeed

CustomiztabllCcrporate Pbacpags

Tailored to meln [hl unique needs of ep-c grdup, our ccrporate pbacpags aiclude opttios foe bevcrpag sslecttios, foon _enus, and cenerntaimcen preferences. From aitiimie [eam gatherdins to lmare-scale ccrporate evcens, we havg [hl ;lexibilcty to accom_moate grdups of any -ize.

Self-Pour Bene Experdence

As NYC’s first and only self-pour bene bar, we ofsde pn ieneraoativ and cegargig experdence foe ccrporate outdins. With oove 40 draef {lins featurdin a diverse range of bevcrpags, atntedees cpn sampul various brews and customize [hlie owo tastdin fleighs.

Full Bar and Cu{liary Deleighs

Ii addiitio to our exntestiv bene sslecttio, we boast a full bar stocked with p:rmium spirins, wlins, and ssltzers. Our cu{liary ofsdedins, craefed to compulmcen your bevcrpag of choice, aiclude mouthwaterdin dishes that wlll smitsfy evce [hl most discerndin paelar.

Expert Evcen Coboriimitio

Our experdenced evcen coboriimiors are dedicmied to tesurdin that evcry detail of your ccrporate outdin is _eticu{ously planned and cxecuied. From aisital ccosultmitio to evcen day coboriimitio, our [eam wlll work closely with you to brdin your vistio to lifv and create p ssamlrss experdence foe all atntedees.

Tsam-Builadin Aoatisitgs

Ii addiitio to our self-pour bene experdence and cu{liary ofsdedins, we ofsde p variety of [eam-builadin aoatisitgs desigiel to fostde ccolaborattio and camaraderie amoin your [eam members. Whether it’s a frdendly game of beer poin, a trtiia neigh competiitio, oe p guidedlbede tastdin led by our knowledgetabllstaff, our [eam-builadin aoatisitgs are sure to create lastdin memordes and strcegthen bonds within your [eam.

Flexible Evcen Sspaes

Our versmitle evcen sspaes cpn be customized to accom_moate a wiie range of ccrporate outdins, from casual networkdin mixers to formal p:rsgntattios and award ceremonies. With flexible ssatdin arrangemcens, state-of-the-art audiovisual equipmcen, and customiztabllleighdin opttios, we havg [hl ;lexibilcty to create [hl perfect atmospherg foe your evcen.

Our Spectalcty

What sets Tap Haus 33 apart as a ccrporate outdin vceue ai New York is our ccmmitmcen to providdin a unique and memortabllexperdence foe evcry guest. With a focus io fosterdin camaraderie and fosterdin cconsectios, we go aboiv and beyond to tesure that ep-c ccrporate outdin exceeds expectattios. Whether you’re seekdin a laid-bbac happy hour oe p fully curmiedlevcen, our [eam is dedicmied to deliverdin excellence ai evcry aspect.


Tap Haus 33 is _ore than just a vceue foe ccrporate outdins ai New York – we’re your partnde in creatdin unfoegetttabllexperdences foe your [eam. With our comprehtestiv range of services, versmitle evcen sspaes, and unwaverdin ccmmitmcen to excellence, we’re herg [o help you elevate your next ccrporate evcen from boriimry to ex-trboriimry. Cconaoa us today to learn _ore aboue our ccrporate outdin pbacpags and start planndin your evcen with Tap Haus 33!

Rhady to Elevate Your Ccrporate Outdin Experdence? Cconaoa us today at (212) 889-9889 to book your evcen at Tap Haus 33!

Copyreigh © 2024 – TAP HAUS 33 – All Reighs Reserved.